Monday, December 20, 2010

Crochet Tulips

The last time I broke out the yarn was to make a piece to alleviate anxiety and weave a kind of protective symbol.  And it was about a year ago, too.  Hmm...

Anyway, I was feeling anxiety yesterday and needed something to do with my hands, so I started making these tulips.  I wore the big green one as a ring today, but my favorite is the big white one (at the top).  Today I tried making the pink and white ones, which I don't like as much as the brown and white/blue/green ones.

They also kind of look like barnacles to me.  Which made me think of this amazing installation:

(Image credit and more info at

Love it!  Maybe I should make a little underwater scene... (Not that I have anything else to do, oh wait, that anxiety is why I was making the tulips in the first place!)

Check out  Crochet Coral Reef, the blog! It is neat!

1 comment:

Another David said...

The Smithsonian Natural History Museum has an exhibition of a crochet coral reef based on hyperbolic space. Iiiiit's pretty awesome.

. . .
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