Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We had lunch at an outdoor cafe to have a change of scenery (also we are going out of town tomorrow so we don't have any food in the house) and I snapped this photo of JewishGuy. It should be an iPhone commercial.

Then I went on a long walk around the neighborhood running errands. Of course I stopped along the way at a random store and bought a cute and inexpensive pair of earrings:

I am still experimenting with my camera. I've had this thing for three years and it was only when I gave it to the kids at my last internship that I learned about the different settings (they were pushing buttons on the camera and changed all the settings... by accident..?). Can you believe that the bottom photo was shot in a bathroom with those awful yellow lights? Somehow the camera compensated for that. I didn't know my little camera could do that! Neither of these photos required any editing after taking them, which makes me think my camera is more powerful than I thought it was.

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