Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wheel Part 1: Flat Things

I won't make every day a part of my series of the wheel but I'm pretty excited about the results of my first day back on the wheel after two years' absence.

The first day of class was a full day of class. We spent the first two hours doing hand exercises with clay and the the last 4 hours at the wheel. Our assignment is by next week to have 6 flat things and 6 other things that are flat or not flat. So here you see three of my flat things and one bowl. Also, one of the flat things is supposed to be at least 7 inches in diameter, so you can see the top right one is my big flat thing.

I like that the assignment is really non-specific. Making "flat things" is easier than making plates or trivets or whatever, since there's no expectation of what it's supposed to look like. It's just supposed to be flat.

I'm going back in tomorrow to finish the assignment.

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