BEST of 2009
1- trip: Austin... it was only a couple of days, but we had a great time and ate some delicious food :D (also it was my only trip this year, I guess except visiting family in either TO or MD/NY). still waiting on a honeymoon...
2- restaurant: Penny's Noodles. I can't even count how many times I have eaten there this year.
3- article: dunno
4- book: Well I read the entire Rashi's Daughters trilogy, which was fun, light reading (yay Jewish romance novels). Otherwise I mostly read for class.
5- night out: I've had some fun nights out, the few nights I've actually gone out... But I think one of the highlights was going to Thanksgiving with my friends in Dallas the weekend before Thanksgiving. That was hilarious and SO much fun.
6- workshop or conference: Well, the only one I've been to this year was the American Art Therapy Association Conference, which was great.
7- blog find of the year: One of my favorite blogs to read is Cake Wrecks, but I can't remember if I found that this year.
8- moment of peace: have I had a moment of peace this year?? haha.
9- challenge: My current internship has been my biggest challenge, I think.
10- album of the year: Regina Spektor's new album, Fall. I have listened to it a BAZILLION times since I downloaded it in July.
11- the best place: home, on the couch, with JewishGuy and the kitty.
12- new food: don't know if I have been so adventurous food-wise this year.
13- change to the place you live: I got a bunch of new plants that are now taking over the windows :)

15- best packaging: cuties boxes, which I use for storage in the art room.
16- tea of the year: I drink a lot of Tazo ZEN tea.
17- word or phrase: "safe space" hahahaha... therapists.
18- shop: not too much shopping this year, I think. Oh I did have this frenzied shopping experience at the beginning of my internship, when I realized the attire was business casual and I had nothing in my closet that was business casual. YIKES that was exhausting.
19- car ride: coming home from the wedding weekend, looking forward to many nights of partying with friends :)
20- new person: does JewishGuy count..? His status in relation to me is new this year.
21- project: Last winter I did an intense fabric printing workshop... it was hard, it made me cry a lot, but it was really great in the end.
22- startup: don't know...
23- web tool: I'm not sure I really use web tools (?).
24- learning experience: This summer working with the kids in the residential treatment center for children with behavior disorders... I learned, you might not make a major change in someone's life, but that doesn't mean you aren't important to them.
25- gift to myself: art supplies :D
26- insight or aha! Moment: after the big car accident in August
27- social web moment: tagging everyone in my Thanksgiving food picture project on facebook and realizing most of my family is actually on facebook!
28- stationary: I bought robot stationary!! was that this year?
29- laugh: I've had some good ones but I don't know one in particular...
30- ad: I LOVE any ads that have a before and after, where the "before" video is in black and white and someone can't do something simple (like put toothpaste on their toothbrush).
31- resolution you wish you'd stuck with: I don't make resolutions on NYE.